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Here's the first heavyweight salmon for this young fisher seen here in the photograph with his amazed father! A few moments after this 20lbs Tay springer was released he hooked and landed another perfect fish of similar proportions. A truly amazing morning on the River Tay during late March.
This guest caught this perfect River Tay salmon with his very first cast of the fishing day near Murthly. As you can see that a life jacket & eye protection are mandatory with all of our guided fishing guests in addition to salmon!
Here's Johnny Monteith with a fresh run 10lbs Spring salmon caught during April at the little burn at the Green Bank Pool on the Upper Kinnaird salmon fishing beat near Dunkeld.
This young lady was part of a family fishing party who came to the River Tay to try out a salmon fishing experience. After teaching everyone how to cast a Spey rod, move properly down through the pools and how to set the hook if a salmon takes the fly this lady hooked this perfect Summer salmon on the right hand bank of the March Pool directly opposite the River Tummel mouth.
This chap's wife had purchased a gift voucher for his Christmas for a guided day on the River Tay in Perthshire. He only had previously fished for trout and at the end of the fishing day at 5pm after landing 4 perfect fresh run salmon that he recons the trout fishing is more challenging! This was number 4 from the 'Guay Pool' near Dunkeld.
Here's big George Clarke from Washington DC holding one of 5 perfect fresh run salmon he caught that morning near Stanley on the River Tay in July. While we were starting I gave George a refresher on the Spey cast and while doing so the first fish of the day was hooked!
This angler pictured here was holding a boat caught River Tay salmon caught on the Kinnaird Estate's Green Bank Pool near Dunkeld. This fish was handed to him to play while trolling downstream but 20 minutes later he hooked and landed his very first salmon on the fly slightly downstream of where this shot was taken at the March Pool which is another Kinnaird Beat hot spot.
This fine fish was caught while commuting this River Tay guided salmon fishing guest downstream in the boat by flicking a spinning lure over the stern of the boat and letting it flutter in the stream. The lure was deployed slightly above where there was a sharp river bed drop off from 5ft of water down to 20ft at the Rock Pool on Upper Kinnaird. Overall lure troll time to cover this salmon lie is 45 seconds and this fine Tay salmon hit the lure after 15 seconds.
This happy River Tay salmon fisher hook, played and landed this perfect fresh run Spring salmon during late May in the Meetings Pool of the Kinnaird Beat near Dunkeld. A high rod tip is essential while playing a powerful fish like this to avoid a drowned fly line which could exert too much pressure on the hook hold.

How To Buy A Salmon Fishing Gift Voucher

Professional Scottish salmon fishing guide advice on why giving a Scottish guided salmon fishing gift voucher is a very special thing to do for a colleague or a loved one.

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How To Buy A Salmon Fishing Gift Voucher

Why give a salmon fishing gift voucher

While there are literally thousands of great gift ideas that you can give to a loved one a quality insight and introduction to a living salmon river is in my opinion the most intriquing gift of all. In this world of concrete and wifi domination our genetic routes as 'hunter gatherers' have largely been forgotten by the vast majority of the human race. When a Scottish salmon river is properly experienced with the added excitement of targetting an adrenalin charged encounter with Scotland's most treasured gamefish it resparks that ancient DNA and triggers the human mind like no other rural pursuit can do. Often after a quality introduction to Scottish salmon fishing the fisher will continue on to develop their knowledge and experiences in this pursuit for the rest of their lives such is the natural potency & pull of the salmon river environment.

Which Rivers In scotland does a salmon gift voucher cover

Our guided salmon fishing gift vouchers cover the 4 major Scottish salmon rivers which are the Tay, Dee, Spey & Tweed. So wherever a gift voucher recipient is based in Scotland the chances are that one of these major rivers won't be too far away. The River Tay is the most accessible Scottish salmon river for a guided salmon fishing experience as is positioned just over an hour north of the major Scottish cities of Glasgow & Edinburgh. For those who are travelling from outside Scotland there are many good local accommodation options in all of the above river valleys and links to our recommended local hotels can be provided upon request. A fishing date(s) can be arranged prior to purchasing a gift voucher or the date can be decided after the recipient receives their gift voucher (no expiry).

What Does a Guided Scottish salmon fishing experience include

Our guided salmon fishing experience packages include a personal & professional 'career' salmon fishing guide, full salmon fishing equipment supply (including chest waders, waterproof jackets and life jackets), tactical salmon fishing and Spey casting tuition with a double handed salmon fly rod in addition to seasonally appropriate salmon fishing access to well run & well maintained Scottish salmon river beats. The only items a guided salmon fishing guest needs to bring is warm clothing, sunglasses, thick socks, a sun hat and a packed lunch as everything else will be provided by ourselves. Follow this link for full information on the finer details of what a guided salmon fishing gift voucher includes.

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